United Nations reports a radioactive cloud from Japan hit the West Coast.
PurePro delivers Reverse Osmosis Solution
Summary: Will the Japan Nuclear Crisis Affect Drinking Water. The United Nations reported that a radioactive cloud from Japan hit the West Coast and is expected to cross the United States spilling radioactive contaminants into our environment. The radioactive particles from this will necessarily affect ground water which becomes our drinking water. PurePro delivers the reverse osmosis water filter systems to remove particles larger than .0001 microns
United Nations reported that a radioactive cloud from
Japan hit the West Coast and is expected to cross the United States
spilling radioactive contaminants into our environment. The radioactive
particles from this will affect ground water supplies which becomes our
drinking water.
“While the Environmental Protection Agency’s acceptable
Standard for radioactive contaminants is 15 picocuries/liter or .000015
microns/liter in public drinking water supplies, when any radioactive
particles are ingested, the digestive system is affected.” Some
radioactive particles, radium 226, radium 228 and uranium in particular,
are absorbed and expose the kidneys, bones and other organs to the
carcinogenic effects of radioactivity; some radioactive particles are
eliminated without long term side effects.”
The timing in which this contamination will affect our ground water
depends upon many factors including the amount of precipitation (heavy
rains or melting snow) an area receives and how porous the soil is. In
most cases, contamination is not immediate. So, while the Japanese
radioactive contamination will not immediately affect our drinking water
supplies, radioactive particles from Chernobyl and other sources such as
ongoing local farming, manufacturing and more, are probably already in
the ground water from which most drinking water is gotten.
What to do? Buy bottled water, but that is both expensive as well as
harmful to the environment with all of the discarded plastic bottles
that end up in the landfill. ”From a particle size
perspective, the atomic diameter of uranium and radium is .000350
microns and .000430 microns respectively; most radioactive particles are
larger than .0002 microns. Most reverse osmosis
water filters remove particles larger than .0001 microns. To
know the filtering ability of a specific reverse osmosis system, consult
the Performance Data Sheet for that system.” Reverse osmosis filtering
is much less expensive and significantly better for the environment than
plastic bottles, and allows people to be absolutely sure of the purity
of their drinking water because there is nothing to potentially
contaminate water between filtration and consumption.
Elevated radiation levels can be reduced with treatment, according to some environmental agencies that tell homeowners with private wells that standard water softeners can reduce radium and that more expensive reverse-osmosis systems can remove uranium and radium. Reverse Osmosis is the only quickly deployable technology to effectively deal with radioactive contaminants.
Reverse osmosis is highly effective in removing several impurities from
water such as total dissolved solids, turbidity, asbestos, lead and
other toxic heavy metals, radium, and many dissolved organic. The
process can remove nuclear radiation such as radioactive plutonium or
strontium in the drinking water. Therefore, reverse osmosis is the most
advanced water purification method developed so far.
In the event of having ingested radioactive particles, many nutritional supplements have been developed for the purpose of detoxifying heavy metals, most of which contain algae and plant fibers. Spirulina, chlorella and algae-based supplements, and yeast, sardines, liver, anchovies, olive oil, cod liver oil and mackerel are just a few foods that will help remove these particles from the body.
We believes our health is THE most important aspect in life. Without
health we suffer. This negatively affects every other aspect of our
lives. With water making up 55%-65% of our body, contaminant free
drinking water is critical to achieving good health. As such, we are the
industry leader in educating consumers about the tremendous impact that
water has on our health and well-being and helping them consistently
have the cleanest water, in a way that is eco friendly and healthy for
the environment, too.
Read More:
(1) To protect your
drinking water from radioactive contaminants, the best filtration
equipment solutions include the use of; reverse
osmosis, special resin tanks placed on the main pipe and
filtration systems designed to remove radioactive particles.
(2) Radiological and Nuclear Incidents, Reverse-osmosis water filtration systems will remove fallout contamination. (U.S. Department of State) http://travel.state.gov/travel/iodine-131/health/health_1184.html
(3) A number of treatment methods are available to remove radioactive radium from water. Reverse osmosis are the most common and can remove up to 90 percent of radium present. http://www.idph.state.il.us/envhealth/factsheets/radium.htm
(4) Radioactive cesium can build up in the body and high levels are thought to be a risk for various cancers. Reverse Osmosis Can Remove 99% Cesium. (EPA page 4 ) http://www.cddnews.com/reverse-osmosis-remove-radioactive_cesium.pdf

Why use Reverse Osmosis purified water?
Reverse osmosis have become the water purification method of choice for drinking water in many households and bottling plants throughout the world. No wonder, as reverse osmosis has become the best and most efficient method to purify polluted and undesirable water into pure and tasty water.
Why is Reverse Osmosis Better? (click to enlarge)
If your family currently buys bottled water you will enjoy significant savings. Owning a reverse osmosis system will ensure that your family has a virtually endless supply of bottled-quality water available at the touch of a button.
Provides the best water quality for your family